

Summer Dreamin'

I'm so ready for summer. Somehow, it's magically refreshing! Actually, it's more of a chance for me to thaw out from the cold winter, but I love it all the same.

I figured that I was going to profess my summer goals to the world. Maybe someone will hold me accountable. I have a terrible time answering to myself on most things.

First off, this summer I am going to finish projects that I've started years ago. I have a trunk to paint for Dylan. I have a TON of stuff to take to Goodwill. I need to finish up a rocking chair that my granny gave me. There's lots of scrapbooking to do. Also, flea and farmers markets that need my visiting.

Nothing says summer, to me, more than spending time outside. Dylan is at the age where he LOVES to be outside. The second his nostrils get a whiff of fresh air, he goes crazy. He'll tell stories and walk around, explore, play in any water puddles. It's so fun to see him notice the world around him. Also, I get an opportunity to show him the world and see it again for the first time through his eyes. We are going to be outdoor explorers and be thankful for every day we have to experience it.

{Top photo via Alicia Bock (on Etsy)}
{Bottom photo via Beth Retro Photography (on Etsy)}

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