Laughing Lilly line for When You Wish Co.
Jagged Little Pill
Since that day, I have been a long time Alanis lover. She's so gorgeous, natural, real, powerful, outspoken, soft but hard when needed. I can go on forever! Look at her! Another girl crush (and she happens to be on Weeds-bonus!).

Have a fabulous day!
for the love of music
Step 1: Acceptance (and MY first Giveaway!)

I had set myself up BIG TIME with a Month of Martha. I really worked hard for the month before trying to print recipes, do meal plans, grocery lists, coupon cutting, scheduling days and activities and trying to be something I'm not. To all of you mothers who actually carry through with the whole "Martha" image, I commend you. It is not an easy task. While I do appreciate some of the information I've learned and changes I've seen in myself, I know this isn't for me.
My days are jam packed with Dylan, the hubs, army, "projects"... (what else do I do??), I think it's important for all of us to step back from the "ideal image of mothering" and focus on what really matters to each of us. It is always different. Your image may be safe-sided, daring, or just plain interesting. Take time to embrace those things that make you and yours unique. Don't try to change because you think others want this from you. Do it for you!
Here's my "Do it for me" thingy.
This jar isn't you-get-what-you-see kind of thing. I can randomize patterns/colors for stars. I'm making little signs to hang on the inside. The "uncustomized" Wish Jars will have a sign hanging on the inside that says "Wish" followed by the dangly stars. If you choose to customize your Wish Jar, I will make a banner for your wish. Your wish could be directed towards a child about your dreams for them, or can be as silly as "I wish you would quit picking your nose" for one of your friends. HA. It's all whatever your brain can "wish" for. (Sorry, I had to). The lid of the jar can be customized with colors, glitter, stickers, whatever co-ordinates with your theme, as well as being left plain. I'm also coming up with holiday themed jars, baby shower jars, graduation jars.. yes, the possibilities are endless.
Here's the deal - From now (August 26 2009) until September 4 (2009) at 8p.m. (Mountain Time), I want your comments, suggestions, hopes and dreams (for Wish Jar critiques) to come spilling in. I said I was going to do a giveaway, so here's your chance for a one-of-a-kind freebie! If you are randomly selected as a winner of the Wish Jar, I will design a piece just for you. These bad boys are not going to go on sale until October (maybe even later). I will be sure to let you know all the details of the When You Wish shop opening. I can't wait to hear what you all think about it.
*BONUS* If you become a follower of the blog (which is posted on the left side), you get an additional entry in the drawing. If you subscribe to my blog (also posted on the left side), please send me an e-mail (click the contact me letter on the left side) and let me know you subscribe and you will also receive another entry. That's a total of THREE entries per person. Take advantage of it!
I CAN'T get enough of this...

How hot is Mary-Louise Parker!? Come on now. I want to be Nancy Botwin. Well not necessarily selling weed and getting mixed up with Mexican drug lords, but she's just amazing. I love her wit, her style, ummm everything. Can someone hook me up? ha. Ok, I have a girl crush. Don't tell the hubs, it might make him get the wrong idea. Seriously, who else is with me?
So, with my birthday money, I want to get all the seasons. This is one show that I can watch over and over and never get tired. Major props to Jenji Kohan, the creator. Love it!
Oh yeah, last Thursday was my birthday. The big 24, a quarter of my life is over (apparently I'm going to live to be 100 or something close to that). I have pictures, but they all look ridiculous. I was having a good time and yeah. I'll tell more stories later. Just wanted everyone to know that I'm alive!
Month of Martha Mondays

This is going to be the first week I'm really into blogging. I woke up this morning refreshed, motivated, and excited for the first time in a long time. I have a new perspective on Month of Martha and I'm ready to bring it to ya!
Mondays are my laundry days. It seems easier to do it all in one day rather than drag it out to every day and just whenever I feel like it. Plus, who wants to do much of anything on Mondays. I just want to share some of my laundry tips with you all. If you guys have anything that works for you, feel free to leave a comment!
First thing, everyone knows to sort stuff. Lights, darks, heavy/light fabric, yadda yadda. Enough said on that topic.
Did you know that when pulling your clothes out of the washer, you're supposed to kind of shake out each piece so that it won't wrinkle in the dryer? It also shakes (flicks? whips it? can't find the right word for it) out some of the water that's sitting on the clothes. By doing this, it will save your drying time and also your energy bill. Also, consider starting your laundry early in the morning or later at night when it's not so hot. The machines running will heat up your house. Good for the winter time, but not so fabulous in the summer.
Now for the stains, I have found that the OxiClean Spray works wonders on the stains my little guy leaves. My big guy also leaves sweat stains. How the heck do you get those out? Enter Men's Flair with the answer. Click on this to check out their suggestions on treating, washing and even drying. AMAZING!
Another amazing wonder is borax. You thought it was just for your grandmother's laundry? No way! I think it works better than the OxiClean powder and an extra bonus is borax is much cheaper. Plus borax has a ton of other uses. You can find the uses on the box or click here. My favorite use for borax (other than laundry purposes) is to make slime!! Check out this recipe from Joey Green's Mad Scientist.

I'm sure I have a ton of other ideas, but I'm at a loss for them right now. Next week, I'll bring in some other tips or anything exciting that comes up! Happy laundry day!
Thrown Off My High Horse
After I took a two minute angry/feel-sorry-for-me/what do I do now slump, I came to the realization, that I need to just invest more in what I want to do. I know I'm not the ultimate housewife, after trying my Month of Martha hardcore schedules, and cooking, and cleaning... blah. It's not for me. BUT, what is for me is being crafty, artsy-fartsy. I love making things. So, I'm going to share my projects that I've been doing for the last... well for quite awhile. Tonight, I'm going to round up my pictures from this rocking chair I revamped. It's happy.
Just had to update you on this Month of Martha fiasco. If you want, I'll post some stuff from what I've learned... which I think I should do anyways. Thanks for sticking with me through my move and craziness!! I'm here and I'm trying so hard!
It was a glorious Tuesday..