{via Stuff No One Told Me}
My 15-day pity party is over. Hooray! Now, I can make up excuses about why I haven't been present. I can put the blame on a billion of things. I'm just going to go ahead and say I was feeling sorry for myself. I was letting my anxieties turn simplicities into intricacies. Something like a battlefield in the brain. It was all just in my head. Honestly, you probably wouldn't have wanted to talk to me. Or even, hear what I was going to whine about. Better to just keep my mouth shut.
I don't really know when it happened, but thank the sweet Lord that it all clicked. I grabbed the bull by the balls and worked on putting the pieces back together. The noise in my brain basically shattered everything I thought I knew and felt into a million trillion gazillion pieces. Craziness.
Now: I'm better. I'm happier. I'm alive. I have a better insight into myself and what I want. And honestly, who doesn't need a little meltdown?
Here's the proof that I'm better! Yay for fresh outlooks!
What now? I have some awesome ideas, blog posts, announcements... lots of stuff. Stay tuned!
Welcome back! I usually disappear for a few days if i'm in a funk. I cant wait to see what you have in store!